The Hunt for Maria Krausse


                                                                                               Maria Krausse scavenger hunt 


                                         Today we did a scavenger hunt of  Miss Krausse we had to find her favourite hobbies 

                           where she works and more. my class and I enjoyed today session with her, lots of laughter and joy 



                                Reading degree 

Reading degree is when this time of the year, the whole school must be reading lots of books.

After ever book you read you MUST do one activity per book


                                                                You should give it  a try ? 

Rotuma Facts Slides

Yesterday my class and I had to make slides full of facts about Rotuma. Because this week is Rotuma language week,  Rotuma is a island close to Fiji, they share the same flag, and even listen to Fiji government even though they are on a different island.

Migrate Tasks

Last year for science term 4, we were learning about migrate. Where we want to migrate to, where all the animals migrate to when its winter, summer or autumn and how we can migrate. Migrate is when you move from one country, place, or locality to another.